Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday (today): Last day of orientation. We talked about free time and things to do in Granada. Antonio (professor) talked about some of his favorite places. I am officially excited to go to a couple of “discotecas” (like clubs, basically, but a little less intense, I think). Most of the IES students have been to one called Camborio, but I think it’s mostly international students. I really want to meet Granadinos! We also talked about some of the places we’ve discovered so far. Guess who has discovered mostly churches? Yes, this guy. So excited about attending some of them now that I will be able to follow the Mass! Pubs? Bars? Discotecas? Parks? No. Just churches, mostly. Love it. Anyway…last day of orientation, a little sad. Antonio spoke to us in English for the first time. He said, “I will miss you.” With a very strong Spanish accent. Adorable. Haha. (Again, the giggling). It’s good, though. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to contain laughter when other stupid-questions-girl kept talking. COMIDA: Sopa. Soup with ham, rice, chickpeas, and chicken. (The mixing of meats; I don’t really understand). Also, I don’t know if I mentioned that Nicole and I recently learned to see. Apparently we were blind. On the counter right next to where we make our toast every morning, there are LEGS. Yes. Legs of animals. Really normal in Spain, apparently. It’s…cured meat? I think? Kind of weird. Anyway, so we had soup. And Swiss chard! I described it yesterday to learn the word, and Maria Carmen (my madre) made it for lunch today! Again, Jose Manuel had me finish the vegetables. I eat a little less bread if he gives me all the veggies, though, so I guess I can’t complain. Also, most importantly, there was some sort of little fried fish stuff on the table. Like….fish. Serious fish. They looked pretty much like the animal and everything. Nicole and I both tried them. She ate half of one. Jose Manuel gave me four. And I don’t even think I made a face. They tasted okay, actually. I just prefer when my meat looks nothing like its source. Anyway, we had a walk through streets near our neighborhood this evening. To learn about places to eat and buy stuff and whatnot. Pretty cool. By that, I mean interesting. And really cold. I made a new friend! Speech path, kind of shy like me, really nice, chill. Yeah. (Oh, have I mentioned that in Spain, I’m shy? I don’t know when that happened, but I am.) Anyway…returned to my house. Ate cheese for dinner. Because we aren’t really allowed to cook-we can use the fridge but no the stove. Not that I’m complaining. I love cheese. A lot. And…talked with my mom on Skype. And a few people on Facebook. And now I am writing a ridiculously huge amount for you beautiful, patient people to read. Next post will have pictures. Sorry! They just load crazy slow. Okay. For now I will say, “Peace!”

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