Saturday, February 25, 2012

An update! (Pictures to come) :D [I can title these things! Haha]

Oh, hey! Alright. So…another post. Yesterday, I thought of something awesome to post about. But I have since forgotten it, so I’m just going to ramble a bit and call that a post. Sound good? Good.
Okay. So… Here we go. Things I’ve noticed/learned in the last few days. Four day weeks are awesome. Yesterday was such a good day! I woke up late, took a walk, bought some groceries, read some of Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal, and then ate lunch. LENTEJAS!!! I think my favorite Spanish food so far—a variety of lentil soup. I think I mentioned it in an earlier post. I spent the siesta “hour” upstairs with Jose Manuel and Maria Carmen, knitting and sleeping. And I kind of just chilled for the night at the residence halls.
And then…today. This morning was good. I woke up kind of late and finished some homework before lunch. We ate pork and a salad of potatoes, eggs, and tuna. Yeah. That’s kind of three types of mayonnaise-based salads all in one. I liked it. Also, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned the varieties of soup here. English just does not have enough words. There are like fifteen different words in Spanish to describe varieties of soups and stews. Today, we had “una crema de zanahorias.” Yeah. Carrot soup. LOVE IT! I pretty much love all of the vegetable-y soups here. Actually, I just love food. Also, I have discovered that staples in my diet are bread, cheese, and produce. And siesta was the best yet. It was warm enough to sit out on the patio…and Nicole and I just chilled and read and it was AWESOME. I think we both needed a little vitamin D.
Now to the adventure part. So Nicole and I were going to get our eyebrows waxed. We took the bus because we heard of a place that was really cheap but kind of far away. Well…that place was closed, so we went to a different location, slightly more expensive. Nicole goes first. And…the lady charged her money for tweezing. Yeah. So I asked if I could have a wax. And she refused and said tweezing was better. So…not very successful. Then I decided to look for a pair of shoes before the end of “rebajas” next week (huge sales) on my way home. Fail. I had a Skype date with my mom and Meghan. I was running a little bit late, so I thought, naturally, “With my excellent sense of direction, I’m going to take the shortcut through the Albaicín. The neighborhood/part of town with teeny tiny streets that are kind of confusing.” Yeah. So shortcuts are only short if you don’t get lost for an hour in a neighborhood that gets a little sketchy past sunset. Luckily, I found my way out before then. But not before I had completely missed my Skype date. (Again, sorry, Mom! Sorry, Meghan! SORRY!) So…this afternoon was pretty much one failure on top of another.
Oh, yeah. One more to add. While walking through the Albaicín, I finally decided to stop and ask for directions in a little store. Now, someone—not to name names, Mom—made me really weird about going into places and using amenities (like knowledge of the city and directions) without purchasing something. So I asked the lady (who wasn’t that helpful), and I purchased…a Monster. (Dear Lauren, be strong. Keep resisting them. Love, Danielle). I only drank half of it and I felt so guilty because Lauren and I both agreed not to drink them for 2012. Rachel, please make sure Lauren is stronger than I was. So…I failed at almost everything today. Haha. But it has been a pretty good day nonetheless and I am going for tapas with some friends tonight. It should be wonderful.
I wonder if I have anything else irrelevant and insignificant to say for today… I don’t know. Maybe I’ll add some pictures? Okay. Yeah.
OH! I just remembered—reflections on Ash Wednesday Mass. Using the Magnificat for the correct month: the best! And they put the ashes on your head—like, sprinkled in your hair—instead of on your forehead. And there was a REALLY cute baby a bit in front of me. It was AWESOME! Haha. Pause here to reflect on the video that Brenten posted a bit back, I think it was “Things Catholic Girls Say.” Seriously. Real life. I think I’ve said ninety percent of them. Please watch the video if you haven’t seen it, especially if you’re a Catholic girl. Youtube plug over, I guess.
Okay. I this is crazy as usual. I will edit the post to add pictures at the next opportunity—the WiFi at my house is just so slow and I have to leave fairly soon for tapas. But I love you all and miss you. Feel free to keep me updated of the happenings at home (Please!).
With love, in Christ, through Mary,

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    I regret to inform you that I already failed in that respect. She brought one home one day. I probably should have just taken it from her and given it to the neighbors or something...yeah, we can fail together
